PMP Certification in ..3 months „UNDERSTANDING …not memorising!” 41

PMP Certification in ..3 months  „UNDERSTANDING …not memorising!” 41

How would you describe PMP EDU experience?

When you think about PMP certification, you know that this is not an easy catch…. Not even the most relevant experience in project management is not enough. You need to be aware of all the international best practices, tools and techniques used in this field to pass this one. So when I decided to go for this, with a self-development objective in mind, I started the research on the Internet about the requirements and the companies that provide the preparation training -mandatory pre-requisite for the exam. And that’s how I found about EDU and about  their PMP Trainer Ilie Dragan,

Before PMP Training..,

In my initial emails exchange with Ilie to subscribe for the training, he told me that he will send me a book, that I need to read by the training time. When the book got into my office, I got worried…when was I supposed to learn all that with a more than 9-10h job and other things I had to do?! Because prioritization is key, I called Ilie and told him “Look, I am not going to have time to read 600 pages by the time of the training, please tell me what is mandatory to go through?” Ilie told me: “ Oana, you just need to READ everything, but the most important chapters are: Processes, Risk Management, Quality Management and Procurement Management”.

PMP Training

Wonderful!! When we got in the first training day on 11th of December, he reminded us that we need to take the exam by March, because the PMBoK edition will change and he suggested that it would be great if we schedule for the exam by end of January! Yeah…no pressure! That seemed crazy for me at that time…with half of the month of December and beginning of January dedicated to season holidays. How was I going to do that?! Ilie was there to help us understand that this is not impossible. He managed to make the learning of the approach so structured and logical and always open to all my challenging questions because he knew that the key to this was UNDERSTANDING and not MEMORIZING… Ilie proved to know the best recipe for adult teaching.

After PMP Training…

So, I made my study plan. Chapter review from Rita’s book, followed by simulation test to get immediate feedback on my learning on the specific topic. One week prior to the real exam schedule I took the 200 question PMP simulation and passed it. This got me some confidence that I could do this… I scheduled for the real exam. Ilie was there at any time, answering to my request for clarification emails or things that were intriguing me..😁 Its 24th of January and in a bit more over 2 months since I met Ilie, I got the PMP certification with a score on the right side of Gauss distribution curve😁.

Thank you Edu team! Most especially, thank you Ilie for being there and helping me fight my emotions 😁.

What are the benefits of being a PMP certified manager?

PMP is an important worldwide accreditation that can significantly improve the professional value in this field.  It can help companies bring more value into their organizations by having in place the right professionals managing increased complexity in an every-day changing environment. It can open doors and increase market value. Therefore it is a great opportunity for self-development and continuous learning in this field…and once will not stop growing 😊

Oana Filipescu, PMP

Director, Projects and Organization Department

BRD – Groupe Societe Generale

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