How would you describe PMP Experience with EDU?
I started to read the PMP materials a long time ago, having in mind to register and apply for PMP Exam, but without a clearly defined timeline.
After hearing about the training from one of my colleagues, I decided to join the EDU PMP Exam Prep. I wanted to deepen the knowledge and to prepare myself for taking the exam.
Definitely, this was the best option I could do and I’m really happy with my decision! 🙂
From the first day, I noticed this, when trainer asked us about our previous knowledge and to establish a timeline, by when we target the exam. For me, the main motivation was to respect the self-set deadline.
Having in mind all the time the “PM Smiley Face” explained very well by Ilie, the PMP exam was much easier and therefore achievable!
The trainer, Ilie Dragan, explained very well all the concepts, highlighting the sensitive areas, where most of the errors or misunderstandings could appear. Also, he made me realize that the logic behind the concept is the key to success. It is critical that everything needs to be understood before the exam (not memorized).
I appreciate your approach to use the Social Media for explaining the question to all of us, as we had all access to same information. Even if I didn’t ask questions, I used the explanations provided by you, which helped me to better understand some of the topics
How Rita Mulcahy materials helped you?
I concentrated my learning using mainly RITA PMP Exam Prep Book. The way the book is structured and explained helped me understand all the chapters very well. After having a very good understanding of the content, I used the PM FASTrack Exam Simulation to test my knowledge. From here, I used very much the explanations of the questions where I answered incorrectly. These helped me to correctly understand the PMI thinking.
How was the PMP Exam? What were difficulties?
For me, the PMP exam was not very hard, as I’m quite used to taking exams, anyhow I must admit that staying for 4 hours concentrated is difficult. Your recommendation to write at the beginning the Planning, Change, Formulas, Risks (and Stakeholders on top) helped very much. I allocated enough time to each question to think in detail and clearly understand the phase of the project where the question refers. Of course, it’s hard to believe in the beginning, but even after you do several simulations, you realize that time is not an issue for this exam.
What are the benefits of being PMP? What are your recommendations for PMs who intend to become PMP?
PMP is a worldwide accreditation that helps the PMs to speak the same language. From my perspective, this certifies your knowledge and your way of thinking using PMI concepts. Once you are highly motivated to start to learn and to apply for the certification, don’t be afraid, you will be able to pass the exam! No worries about the amount of information, the key is not to memorize but to understand logically the concepts.
Best regards,
IT Operations Manager, SAP